Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Sorry I've been gone so long..... the implosion back home has been running it's course, and the proverbial shit hath hitteth yon fan, if you know what I mean. In an epic sort of way.

There really isn't much that I feel would be appropriate to share here. I've been more or less stuck inside my head for the last couple days and I think I've formulated some coherent thoughts, but I'm not really sure how to go about communicating them right now. I plan to get around to that very soon.

I also had some frivolous thoughts about the meaning of life which I'd also like to share, and I think somehow they're all tied together, but I just need a little more time for that to stew.

If you're the praying type, please feel free to say a word for my little brother, who is in foster care (thankfully at his aunt's house) my father, who is in the remand center and will in all likelihood be going to prison, and my stepmother, who has finally decided to get help. I'm feeling very thankful for all the people who have cared enough to step in, and who are committed to the best interest of my family. The events of the last few days have affected a lot of people and I am amazed at the forgiveness and nobility of all of them. They inspire me to new heights of love and selflessness, even as I'm reeling at the utter depravity that has struck my family.

I have to go to bed now. I'm very tired, and I've been on the phone all night. I didn't even have time to make a proper meal, and it's currently past my bedtime. I'm in fairly high spirits, all things considered, but I think I'll give myself a few days to process before I write again. Hope everyone's well. Sweet dreams.


Blogger SocietyVs said...

Sorry to hear about all the stuff that has happened to your family - I know that life has kind of put the squeeze on you (emotionally). I can only hope that things will turn around with this current set of events and possibly become a better situation than prior. Maybe there is more room for your involvement in that situation somehow - to alleviate the situations your family members face.

I can only hope that this situation allows you to learn from it - as tough as that may seem - and it seems you have developed soemthing already (for a later post). Just know that I do hope the best for you - that within this breaking you see the opportunity for building.

May 17, 2007 4:28 PM  
Blogger A.V. Michaels said...

Just sending some love and Aloha your way; I'll include you and your family in my daily meditation. I know this kind of stress - you can't think about much else and the thoughts you do have are highly charged with pain and emotion. Just keep walking, and when you can, focus on love, even if for a moment between the stress. http://www.metarev.com/client/lovemysearch/ Someone sent me this link today; haven't read the book but sounds good. You're not alone.

May 18, 2007 3:18 PM  

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