Tuesday, October 24, 2006

One of the humans at the dogpark was telling me about his visit to the home of a "very religious family." So religious that he was warned ahead of time not to say the words, fuck, shit, ass, or any of the wonderful verbal expressions of our culture. The religious people would be offended.

So he goes in and behaves himself very well, only to find that he is in the home of the most obnoxiously racist religious family he has ever had the misfortune of meeting. Instead of fuck shit and piss, it's niggers, chinks, and injuns. He described them as some of the most offensive people he has ever come across, and he excused himself from their company.

This is an extreme example of what I have been noticing in the christian community (the only religious community I'm familiar with).... I will call it inappropriate offense. I have found that people, we can even use my own family for an example, are very offended by the words people say, like my personal favorite, clusterfuck. They're also offended by things like drinking or believing in gods who aren't only children. Sometimes they're offended by the way people dress or their haircuts.

But I don't notice many who are offended by overuse of water. Or the perpetuation of unrealistic standards of beauty. Some of them don't find racist behaviour offensive, or the demonization of homosexuality. They're usually not offended by the spiritual abuse committed in churches against intelligent people attempting to balance intellect with spirituality. The list could go on.

I understand that everyone has values, and they're different everywhere you go. But when a human with no interest in the divine encounters "spiritual" people and finds them atrocious, what is wrong with this picture?

Sunday afternoon was a wonderful day at the dogpark. The sky was perfectly blue and the grass is turning that beautiful golden yellow. I found a spot near the creek and lay on my back, golden grass around my view framing the blue sky with stunning contrast, Abu and Puja playing around me, jumping over me, rolling next to me... it was a moment of complete contentedness.

Eventually I noticed shimmering streams of silver.... geese, with the sun just low enough to reflect off their bellies. There must have been twenty individual groups, what amounted to a huge flock, their flight formations morphing and blending, crossing one another.....

You know, I'd never have seen that if I hadn't been looking up. I love the sky.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post. I won't try to add anything to it except to say "Excellent post". Wait, I already said that once. Anyway, thanks for posting it.

October 25, 2006 12:50 PM  
Blogger bruced said...

I agree, but I will add... I hope you checked for goose droppings before you laid in the grass!

Watchin' your back!

October 25, 2006 6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, it is a dogpark so I certainly checked for....droppings, of one sort or another.

October 25, 2006 6:35 PM  
Blogger SocietyVs said...

Good observations about humans and the sky. I feel bad for people that find racist BS okay all the while taking offence at someone having a beer...talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

October 25, 2006 9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know Ursa these "spiritual" people still DO NOT recognize that the "dividing wall of hostility" that Paul spoke of was torn down. They still see the world as "them and us" Them bad filthy sinners and us good righteous folk. WHAT A PILE OF SHIT! That division was destroyed at the cross and now there is only "us" there is no longer any "them" But alas they cannot see His righteousness because of their own stinkin self-righteousness. Anymore I have no problem with any who are experiencing life outside of "spirituality" it is those who see themselves as something because of their beliefs that I have a problem with. Oh well I better get off the soap box! hahaha!


October 27, 2006 3:52 AM  
Blogger Soul Food Dude said...

I heard thru the grapevine of some pastor who once had a very short sermon, just two points in fact.

(1) "There are millions of starving, diseased, downtrodden people in this world, and you people don't give a shit."

(2) "And to prove my point, you're more upset by my saying 'shit' than you are by (1). God bless."

And he stepped down.

October 29, 2006 5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that sounds like my kind of sermon. fits my attention span perfectly

October 30, 2006 10:38 PM  

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